Rubber T-Lok Achieves ASBAP Approval to 100km/h

The Rubber T-Lok Barrier has received formal regulatory approval in Australia by the Austroads Safety Barrier Assessment Panel (ASBAP) to 100km/h.


ASBAP have assessed that the Saferoads Rubber T-Lok Barrier meets the crash test and evaluation criteria as outlined in the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) for Level 3 (TL-3), which is 2.27 tonne quad cab pickup at a speed of 100km/h, at an angle of 25 degrees. The product has also gained approval from Transport for NSW.

“We are all excited to see the research and development process for this innovative product successfully completed and it become available to customers. This product is the first of its kind in the temporary crash barrier market in terms of contributing to sustainability"

Casey McMaster, Engineering Manager at Saferoads
Concrete Crash Barrier
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